I had been on the lookout for a campaign dresser for several months when I spotted the perfect piece on craigslist. It had sturdy dovetail construction and solid brass hardware. I was not a big fan of the original wood tone, so I decided to give the dresser a classic kelly green makeover! Here is an overview of the process. First I removed the hardware and gave the whole piece a good sanding. I used ScotchBlue painter’s tape to keep all my edges clean and then painted one coat of Zinsser primer. Primer will prolong the life of the finish. I decided to use Benjamin Moore Advance high gloss paint in jade green. It has a built-in self-leveling property, which helps hide brush strokes and provide a smooth finish. I ended up doing three (long and painful!) coats to get complete coverage. Fortunately this paint does not require a top coat. I also polished the hardware. You can use a …