Those of you who follow my instagram or twitter may remember a vintage lucite swivel chair I posted a few weeks back. I found the chair on craigslist in a little town just north of New York City. The red vinyl was all torn up, and the lucite body was covered with scratches; but I loved the fundamental design of the piece and decided it was worth restoring. Here is the before and after: I decided to reupholster the chair in white fabric. The original mod red vinyl was certainly a cool look, but I wanted to give this chair a real transformation. I found a creamy Italian suede for an excellent price at the fabric store. I love the little perforations that reveal a silver backing. The fabric looks simple from afar, but has a bit of personality up close. The silver backing also coordinates with the chair’s hardware. I took the chair and my new fabric to my favorite local …
Chair back ring pulls have just started popping up on my radar, but I’m betting they’ll be a big new trend. They add a touch of glitz and distinction to any chair, and they would be an easy DIY project. My favorite part about this trend is the potential for holiday and party decoration. Drape a garland of greenery or secure a fresh flower. Tie on a beautiful ribbon. Attach goodie bags or seating name tags. The possibilities are endless. Sources: 1) William Hefner Architecture Interiors & Landscape 2) Politics of Pretty 3) Houzz 4) A Thoughtful Place 5) Beth Dotolo
I found a vintage mid-century side table on Craigslist a few months ago. It had great bones and a lovely wood grain, but unfortunately the tabletop was worn and deeply scratched. Since the rest of the piece was in good condition, I decided to buy the table and refinish the top. I will take you through the process, which can be applied to any simple refinishing project. Here are some close-ups of the original damage. That middle scratch was about 6 inches long and a few millimeters deep. The top was also several shades lighter than the rest of the table from years of use and wear. The Process The first step is to remove the original finish and sand down any visible scratches. I used an orbital sander to expedite the process, but you can certainly do this by hand. This table has a wood veneer, a thin decorative layer of higher quality wood that surrounds the central structure, …
I have seen a growing number of elegant and creative under-the-stairs storage solutions recently. Some make use of the negative space underneath the staircase, while others transform the stairs themselves into drawers and cubbyholes. Renters may not be able to implement these custom solutions, but the area can still be put to good use. It’s the perfect spot for a desk, bench, bookcase, or reading nook. If the area is enclosed, well… your landlord is missing out on a good bet! Sources: 1) Mikki Home Design 2) Tom Stringer Design Partners 3) Billinkoff Architecture via Houzz 4) Zugai Strudwick Architects via Houzz 5) Holly Marder via Houzz 6) Specht Harpman Architects via Houzz
In Colonial America, pineapples, then an exotic and expensive import, were considered a symbol of friendliness and hospitality. To this day, pineapples often adorn gardens and gateposts as a way to welcome guests. But pineapples are a great decorative motif anywhere in your house– a fun, graphic accent and a message of hospitality to all your visitors. Here are a few ways to bring pineapples into your decor: 1) Brass Candlestick Sconces 2) Mid-Century Wooden Dish 3) Pineapple Print 4) Adelphi Paper Hangings 5) Ice Bucket 6) Pillow
Call me crazy, but I have been lusting after pink couches lately– especially on traditional shapes, like an English rolled arm sofa. Go for dusty rose if you want a more subtle look or bubblegum pink if you’re looking for an impact. 1) Style Court 2) The Neotraditionalist 3) Ballard Design 4) Absolutely Beautiful Things 5) The Designer’s Attic
Emerald green may have been Pantone’s official color of 2013, but I think this shade is more timeless than trendy. Paired with gold or a classic black and white palette, emerald green is a guaranteed success. 1) Bestor Architecture 2) Show Home 3) Edison Avenue 4) Elle Decor 5) Bella Mumma
Four-poster beds are a traditional favorite, but recently they are coming back in a big way. They add a touch of grandeur and solidity to any bedroom. Sources: 1) Amelia T. Handegan 2) Style At Home 3) Parker Palm Springs Hotel 4) Oly Studio 5) Elle Decor 6) Charlotte Moss via Mark D. Sikes
Hillary Thomas has the market cornered on lamp finials. Look at these gorgeous specimens! Sources: <1> <2> <3> <4>
We all know guys like my recent clients: three bachelors who have been out of college for a number of years, but their apartment is still outfitted with broken Ikea furniture and family hand-me-downs. My clients had a very small budget for decor, but they knew it was time for an upgrade. So I gave them a quick and dirty living room overhaul. When I design on a budget, I like to outline general parameters for the room without setting my heart on anything too specific. In this case, I wanted to create a sophisticated, but unfussy space, filled with natural materials and vintage accents. My first purchase was a vintage leather couch on Craigslist for $400. I love the warm medium tone of the leather. We paired the couch with a grey loveseat, which we found at Target for $430. The tailored look of the loveseat is a nice balance to the informality of the leather couch, but the loveseat’s …