I am a big fan of emerald green interiors, so it’s no surprise that malachite is one of my favorite patterns. Malachite exudes opulence and luxury. Products made with real malachite can be very expensive, but luckily the pattern is easy to replicate. Design blogs are full of DIY faux malachite painting techniques– something I would love to try one day– but in the meantime, I’m enjoying these inspiration images!
Malachite wallpaper via Lonny.
Malachite throw pillow via Etsy.
1) Malachite chair via Dwell Studio and 2) L’Objet dinner plates via Architectural Digest.
1940’s faux malachite dresser, which has been covered in Fornasetti wallpaper and then lacquered via 1st Dibs.
Tony Duquette’s home via Architectural Digest.